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How to use Replit in content editing

Now with the aid of Replit, I’ve discovered a whole new world of possibilities. Even webmasters and content editors without programming knowledge can leverage sandboxes for their daily tasks, thanks to artificial intelligence like ChatGPT. In this brief article, I’ll elaborate on a simple example.

While working on a website migration project from an old to a new version of Sitecore, I encountered a typical task – the need to remove a plethora of unnecessary images from the page source code. In the old version, these images were added through a regular rich text editor in the admin panel. However, in the new version of Sitecore, developers disabled this capability, instructing us to remove these images from the page. Of course, manual deletion is not feasible in such cases; it requires a one-time removal of all images. This is where Python and the Replit sandbox come to our rescue. In its original description, Replit sandbox is depicted as:

Key steps for editing HTML code via Replit:

Done! The generated code without img tags can now be inserted into the website.

All of this is done much faster than it may seem from this article. You can watch a video example on the YouTube channel referenced here.

Victoriia Hladka
Victoriia Hladka